July Fishing Report Update:

Beautiful wild chalkstream brown trout on a wet net before releasing it back, fly rod in background
Peter Usherwood and our esteemed ex Chair Mike Bilson spent a pleasant few hours in the bright sunshine by the river. Air temperature rose to 25 degrees making it hot in waders! The fish were very spooky in the bright conditions and now the water has dropped to summer levels they are tucking hard into shade and pools. Very few rises were seen but Mike and Peter finished at 14:30.   Their reckoning is that the evening would be especially worthwhile more action (editors note: it often is, can be epic!). Having said that one of the three wild browns caught came to a dry size 10 Parachute Adams (has to be a go-to!), whilst the others were on weighted nymphs. Peter had two grayling out of Crayfish pool which made a good variation. All areas are now wadeable, and worth a visit.